Documented Words – Activated Verbally & Confirmed With Intention.
Water and Words.
I am sure many have heard or read articles about experiments made by the late Dr.Masaru Emoto. His work clearly showed how written and spoken words applied to glass jars of rice in water altered the molecular structure of the water?
Samples of the water before and after the test were flash frozen and analysed under a microscope with dramatic results.
One jar with written words attached like peace and love were compared to a jar with words like violence and hate. The peace and love jar of rice in water would remain clear and pure for a long time, whilst the jar with violence and hate would rapidly darken and decay
A similar test you can try yourself is by cutting a freshly picked apple in half and placing the two pieces in separate glass jars, again using the written words followed by a daily verbal citation of the words. You will discover one half of the apple stays fresh whilst the other half decomposes quickly.
There were sceptics who carried out similar tests to debunk Dr.Emoto’s research. Some proved him right and some proved him wrong. Why the discrepancy? The ones who failed to see positive results said the words half-heartedly with doubt, hesitation or joking with disbelief. Positive visualization or to use a better phrase, the power of intention, is a very important factor that must be included to obtain the best results. This process is relevant to all areas of our lives.
Masaru Emoto Water Experiment 10 mins.
Health – Healing – Words
I am fortunate in this life to have had three incredible spiritual mentors, all at Oracle Level. Thirty five years ago, I was drawn in the direction of metaphysical healing. By combining several existing healing techniques taught to me by my mentors and adding a few tweaks, I developed a healing process that works like a charm. This is a three step healing program that you can use on yourself, another person, animals or a location. You can use it to clear simple emotional problems restricting your progress to life threatening ailments. My mentors and I have saved people from surgery and saved people after unsuccessful surgery using this program.
What reinforces my healing program is documenting the process on cards and placing them on yourself or the patient during the healing session. The body absorbs the information. As you read the words it activates the process and when you visualize the damaged cells repairing, the healing begins. For optimum results, the patient should confirm the process by visualizing their mind body and soul healing and manifesting into one of pureness, health and happiness. The power of intention successfully concludes the procedure. You can read more about this three step healing program or watch a TV interview on the healing page of my website:
Happiness – Jewellery – Words.
There has been much discussion about pendants or bracelets people wear. Charm bracelets were fashionable during the late half of the last century and more recently, friendship bracelets became vogue. Making your own words with alphabetic beads or engraved jewellery with messages and words like, dream, love, believe and achieve has reportedly brought great results to those who have faith in the power of words.
More recent and very popular was a pendant embossed with the letter Q?
Celebrities like Oprah, Tony Robbins and Madonna have proclaimed its magical powers!
You may like to know that the symbol Q when used in physics represents electric charge. It can also be used to represent dynamic pressure, fusion energy gain factor, heat, momentum transfer and volumetric flow rate. Using Western Numerology, the letter Q is represented by the number 8. In China, the number 8 is worshipped as the most powerful number.
Using Name Reality, the letter Q is positive and life-giving as it suppresses negative. It influences career, health and travel. In times of illness, the letter Q will aid recovery. In business or career, it produces gains.
Create Abundance Using The Laws of Attraction.
One reason why so many people fail to reach their goals practicing The Laws of Attraction is very clear. If you have a vision board, or stick pictures on your refrigerator perhaps showing a tropical island you want to visit for your next vacation, to attain optimum results you must use the Three Steps Process.
Write words (Documentation) on a piece of paper, for example: “This is the tropical island I will visit for my next vacation”. Attach it to the photo. Start by reading your words once or twice a day (Activation) but most important is to look at the words as the weeks pass by and say them in your mind. Visualize yourself there. (Confirmation)
It would also make logical sense to go above and beyond a vision board by documenting a few powerful words on a piece of paper and carry it on your person 24/7.
Just follow the same three steps and remember, set realistic goals. Start with simple projects and challenges. Expand your horizon as your confidence builds. Do not think you are going to win the Lottery and do not think for one minute that money is abundance, it is not. Do not think that possessions and stuff you consider valuable are abundance, they’re not. You come here with nothing and you leave here with nothing except the memories. Abundance is putting yourself in a comfortable environment and a happy mind set where you wake up with a smile, knowing you are creating future memories you will remember for the rest of this life. One step – One day at a time.
Within reasonable boundaries, we can all achieve health happiness and abundance for the mind, body and soul. Always be respectful. Arrogance will ultimately bring you down. There are 64 Fundamental Principles of the Universe working for and against you. Some, you will discover in this life, some, you will not. Find your sweet spot. Master the laws of attraction, make it happen and be thankful.
Use Words with Water to Create Health, Happiness
and Abundance.
Considering the human body is more than 65% water derived fluid with electolytes, my tip of the day is for you to honour and bless your drinking water. The following is a process I use and recommend to my clients which you are most welcome to copy and modify to produce your own documented instructions, especially if you have specific health issues needing attention.
Unfortunately, man has polluted, chemically dulled and sucked the life out of most water around the world. If you cannot collect your own rainwater nor have the luxury of well water in a low population area which you can boil and filter you might have to get 5 gallon containers of filtered city water from your local supermarket or buy expensive filtration machines. It will be lifeless but you can rejuvenate it with rocks, crystals and oxygen, just like Mother Nature in the first video above.
I have a large porcelain pot which sits under an inverted 5 gallon water container. The pot is half full with rocks, crystals, shungite and binchotan charcoal sticks. You can find rocks of different composition as you go along, in the garden, if you go hiking or visit the beach. Crystals can often be found at Mind Body and Spirit Exhibitions or online. I bought my Shungite and Binchotan Charcoal on eBay. Once every couple months I empty the jug, rinse it and put the contents in direct sunlight for a few hours to recharge with positive energy. To add oxygen back into the water you need a water aerator. You can buy a small hand held device as used to add air to red wine but it will be slow filling a large water jug. When you see how simple it is by design you can make a bigger version with 2 sizes of copper plumbing pipe and a funnel from the hardware store. Copper is known for its water purifying ability. I have a copper water jug I take with me when travelling. Fill it with water and let it sit overnight and consume the next day. It is effective eliminating harmful bacteria but like many things in life you can have too much of a good thing. I don’t recommend letting the water sit in copper for more than 48 hours.
The other way is to add a few drops of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. My personal choice is to add 10 to 20 drops hydrogen peroxide, 35% organic food grade, into the 5-gallon water container. I buy my hydrogen peroxide in the USA from this source; Handle with extreme care and keep in a dark safe place because this is powerful stuff in 35% form. If 35% is not available, make sure it is 35% organic food grade diluted with distilled water to maybe 12% or similar. Some countries like the UK have restrictions on shipping high concentrations.
If you are going to use more than 5 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide per gallon, it is recommended you use distilled water or rainwater for its purity and no adverse reaction to any minerals or chemicals in the water.
Oxygen is life-giving and often depleted in water. The energy from a few drops will run although I suggest you research and satisfy yourself before using hydrogen peroxide.
Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Health Benefits.
Next, just like the experiments done by Dr. Masaru Emoto we write similar words as below and attach to the container. Water has memory, so make sure you erase past negative memory and upload new vibrant memory.
It is commanded; erase negative memory in this water. It is commanded; as I add hydrogen peroxide drops I infuse this water with love, health, happiness, joy and life giving oxygen. Any contamination in this water detrimental to the health of my physical body will be absorbed into the Shungite Stones/and or Binchotan Charcoal Stick for future safe recycling back to the Universe. The energy in this water is now pure, healthy and beautiful as originally intended by our Creator. This is my desire, my wish and my command. It is done, it is done, it is done.
I thank you with love and gratitude.
Later, I bottle water in handy size containers with this label attached and a binchotan charcoal stick.
Every time I drink this water I recharge myself with beautiful vibrant energy. My restructured water is abundant with love, health, prosperity and will absorb into the interior cells of my body flushing toxins and reflecting anything negative to my well-being. It is commanded; any toxins in my body will be attracted to this water and will flush out with my urine. This includes toxins from pesticides, processed foods, chemical additives, preservatives, genetically modified organisms (GMO) and toxins from the air I breathe, especially geoengineeringchemtrail substances like aluminum, thorium, barium, polymer fibers and manufactured Nano particles. Any damaged cells from radiation including HAARP, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters and 5G will flush out with my urine. It is commanded; my structured water will in future reflect and block all of these negatives from entering my body and auric field.
Thank you. With Love and Gratitude. Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari.
On the reverse side of the above information I copy this beautiful hexagonal image of a structured water molecule.
I do not have any health issues so my documented words are for general maintenance. If you have specific ailments, modify the words to focus on and aid your recovery using the water’s power to revitalize. I also print cards with this or similar information and laminate to use as a coaster for my coffee cup! If you feel a bout of Flu or illness coming, modify the words accordingly to boost immune and aid recovery. If you have personal issues draining the life out of you, activate your water to recharge both your mind body and soul. Seeking abundance, create it with water using the three steps!
Three Steps – Documentation
Activation – Confirmation.
The written words are “documentation” asking for love, health and happiness. Therefore, I put with love and gratitude including my full names on every command. If the water container is to be shared by the family or other people, it is not necessary to write your name on the container, but I recommend writing it on your personal cup or bottle. Needless to say, “activate” with voice commands and confirm with powerful thoughts. When I drink from my cup or bottle a few positive words reflecting health happiness and abundance automatically run through my mind which is “confirmation”
Reprogram Your Mind – Reprogram Your Life!
Did you know that drinking water in the morning immediately upon waking up can have amazing therapeutic effects for a multitude of health conditions?
Upon waking up in the morning, drink a half a glass of your purified and charged water. You must do this upon waking and on an empty stomach. When you are up and about, maybe after your morning shower make a full 8oz glass with the juice from half a large lemon or lime to balance your pH and add a small pinch of Himalayan Pink Salt or French Grey or Celtic Sea Salt to enhance the hydration into your body. I prefer Himalayan because it was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago before man polluted everything but the Celtic Sea Salt is slightly lower in sodium and chloride and slightly higher in magnesium. Sometimes, I mix the two in a shaker. Studies show that dead tap water gets rejected by your system thus does not fully hydrate you whereas structured water as discussed in this article gets absorbed by your system rapidly. You might also like to know that drinking carbonated water once or twice a week is also very good for oxygen absorption. Yep, that carbon that they keep telling you is a global problem is not. You need it and plants need it to thrive.
For best results try not eat or drink for at least an hour after drinking this water mixture. During the day, drink a glass of water 1 hour before meals. Drink again 2 hours after each meal and a glass before you go to sleep at night. Drinking more than a mouthful with meals is not recommended because it weakens the acid in your stomach responsible to break down and digest your food.
I enjoy my morning coffee so I drink just my structured water when I wake up and then drink water with lemon/lime and a pinch of salt about an hour after my coffee. If you take supplements like the minerals I recommend on my website, take them with your coffee because coffee is acidic which helps process what goes in your stomach. When you take supplements wait at least an hour before drinking the water lemon/lime/salt mix to help improve your alkaline levels.
Never chug down a pint of water even when you are dehydrated – Why you may ask? What happens when heavy storms produce huge amounts of rain – yes – floods which erode and damage the environment – Same happens in your stomach disrupting or washing away your friendly bacteria.
Water can naturally heal us from diseases like high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma, autoimmune disorders, diabetes and migraines. More on this amazing ancient therapeutic practice can be found in my Healing Program. Also in the program are simple but correct instructions how to check your saliva Ph. levels with litmus paper when you wake up and during the day to make sure your body is not acidic which promotes poor health.
Food – Great News for Vegans and Weight Watchers
This technique will show you how to activate your live whole plant foods to a higher vibration. This will result in you obtaining more nutrition per serving and thus feel less need to consume quantity. Craving food is your body’s natural signal you need more minerals and nutrition, not necessarily more volume. My Healing website provides vital information you should read on whole plant minerals and nutrition.
Most religions suggest you say prayers or bless your food and water in one way or another. This practice, if done correctly, has more meaning and benefit than you might ever have imagined. I am not a religious person but I know that all religions somewhere in-between the lines have something good to offer. Shame we can’t collectively as a race, combine the best of all religions and put together one religion as a guide for all of us to live by? It is not my place or purpose to tell you to go whole plant vegan. However, there is overwhelming evidence that eating dead animal flesh and animal products like dairy is quite simply not good for you. Most animals no longer come from a happy farm. They come from factories where they are kept in horrendous conditions, fed with pesticide laden processed food and chemical additives like steroids and antibiotics to make them grow fast and fat to produce profit. You are what you eat. We are no longer hunter gatherers and we do have choice, so try and make an effort, not just for humane reasons but for your physical and mental health.
Obviously, try to buy the best fresh quality natural or organic fruits and vegetables you can find. You might think you are paying more but in the long run, you are not. Quality vs Quantity Wins. I wash my fruit and veg with a spray bottle containing white vinegar to remove surface toxins. Leave it to soak for 5 minutes and rinse with fresh water you previously charged. I then put the fruit or vegetables in my refrigerator that has a nice label attached on the door commanding “all contents in this refrigerator are blessed with love and happiness”. I read the words as I close the door and sometimes I visualize the words in my mind when I pass the refrigerator. With practice, it becomes a habit and takes no time out of your day.
Plants are alive, even vegetables that have been dug out of the ground or fruit cut from a tree have a shelf life. An experiment in the 1960’s by Grover “Cleve” Backster will show you where we are going with this and how just like the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto you and your loved ones can benefit by blessing your food and water with the Three Steps Process.
Cleve Backster proved with the aid of a polygraph machine that plants have extrasensory perception (ESP). Plants respond to words with a positive or negative vibration. Please watch this short 12 minute video.
Amazing Huh? Why don’t they teach us stuff like this in school?
So, to conclude, very simply, just before you cut, peel, cook or eat raw food, use the Three Steps Process. You already wrote a few kind words on a card to attach to your refrigerator. Now make a card with words telling the food “this preparation process is with utmost love and gratitude to produce a happy vibration thus charging my body with positive energy as part of the on-going life process”. Place this beside your cutting board and say the words as you prepare and visualize before you cook. With raw food, place a similar card under your plate or beside an apple or banana you are about to eat. “I ask this plant accept that the final part of its life is to nourish my body, with love and gratitude”. The vibration of the food you are about to eat will change from negative to positive and thus provide you with better nutrition! I cannot guarantee you will see a big change if you continue to eat dead or processed foods, but if there is water content you have an opportunity to make some change.
As you eat or drink, take a few seconds to visualize love thanks and gratitude, knowing you are receiving the purest vibrations of health happiness and abundance. Let eating and drinking become a special part of your day. All it takes is an extra minute of time!
If the human body is more than 65% fluids then
surely our given documented names influence our life?
Yes, very much so! Half the people reading this will likely have names that create disruption in their life some of the time or, in worst cases, all of the time!
But don’t worry; I have got you covered on that one! I have spent more than 15 years researching this extensively and wrote a two hundred page instructional book on the subject titled Name Reality – Another Fundamental Principle of the Universe.
I post lots of health and wellness articles on my Face Book page.
This article is just a small part of the Three Steps Program.
Warm wishes for health and happiness to my fellow humans.
With Love and Gratitude,
Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari.
Lyon is an Intuitive Holistic Naturopathic Healer.
Professional Name Analyst & Author of Name Reality, Healing Reality and Life Reality.
Helping people change the way they live their lives.